A few weekends ago Nathan was cleaning the gutters and stepped down onto the roof of the screened in porch. Well.......he stepped into a very soft spot. Startled him and scared me when he told me. I knew it was getting bad...Ihave put this off for too long.
Thankfully this week I have a fella out to fix the roof and replace some rotten pieces of wood as well as put on new screen. We have had great weather thus far this week so he hopes to be done on Friday...painting too!
It REALLY makes me feel better to get this fixed!!
Here are the before pics. I will post after pics this weekend.
(This door has seen it's day. New door coming with a dog door to boot!)

(Uhm, yeah. Love that hole. I think squirrels have been eyeing it for their new nesting place!)

(See the bumpy shingles? A two foot crumbly spot was underneath it....and yes, this is where Nathan stepped!)