Sunday, September 7, 2008

I made it!

Flight to Dallas: On time and Excellent
Flight to LAX: On time and Excellent
Flight to Melbourne: On time until last hour when we Diverted to Sidney due to 'fog.' (I got about 6 hrs sleep in total and was more rested than I expected.)
Flight BACK to Sidney: Not quite on time but Excellent

Landed in Melbourne two hours later than originally planned. Got to hotel around noon AUS time. I need a calculator to figure out total flight time. lol

My bags showed up! Woo Hoo. No issues with customs but immigration did not have my middle name on file so that had to be changed. No worries!

Hotel is great except I cannot get the temp down to something more pleasant.

More to come later (along with pics) but wanted to let you know I am here safe and sound. =)


Shelly said...

So glad you made it and that it doesn't sound like it was too bad. YAY!

Desmond said...

Half way around the world......only two hours late and you and all your luggage arrived safely! Sounds good.