Oh well. Carver is now 1 and 3. I do believe, however, this was their best played game yet. Granard had boys nearly a foot taller than Matthew. These boys are 7th and 8th graders. I am not sure but I am thinking Gaffney has some super vitamins in their water or something.
Matthew had an outstanding game despite the loss. He was brought in late 1st quarter, played all of 2nd and part of 3rd. It was a very aggressively played game with some lousy refs. Matthew played hard and had no fear of the taller boys.
You may not believe me but the team's score throughout the game was pretty good until 4th and then Granard pulled ahead. Well actually....I do have a little proof. It was 23-29 (Granard) in the 3rd quarter then soon thereafter he was taken out for rest of game. I think Matthew should have stayed in! Of course there is NO BIAS here! lol
A little action shot...

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