I understand pure pride now. I am absolutely amazed at how my boy's have grown and turned into incredible young men.
Uncle Dick - I would not be surprised if the boys follow in your quest for science knowledge.
Nathan received 8 awards in all. I knew he was doing well in school but had NO idea this well. Here is a list of his awards:
Principal's Award (4.5 gpa)
Principal's Exemplary Conduct Award
Most Outstanding Musician
Excellence in Advanced French
Excellence in Honors Alegbra
Excellence in Biology
Most Musically Talented (one of those cute superlatives)
Wildcat Scholar
Matthew received two awards:
Excellence in Science
Excellence in Physical Education
Nathan during the processional.

Mom and Nathan...

Happy Mama!

Yes, they actually do love each other!

Nathan being a goofball when we got home. I was able to take him home early but poor Matthew had to stay the rest of the school day - sorry honey.

Maffooo getting his Science award.

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