St. Mary Magdalene's Annual Golf Tourney.
This makes my fourth (or third??) time in this tourney with Bob and Des. Satish joined us this year. The tourney benefits the children's center at St. Mary's. Bob and Des attend this church and St. Mary's really know how to put on a tournament. Friday night was good BBQ and putting contest.
Our 8:30 shotgun start was delayed by Mother Nature but by shortly after nine the skies cleared and allowed us to play pretty much rain free throughout the day. None of us were "on" but we each had some nice shots through the day. My tee shots were not consistent at all but my putts and short game were reasonable. We shot 5 under...and that certainly did not win it. : (
Despite our higher than normal score we had a great time joking around and simply enjoying playing golf.
(Satish, Bob, me and Des. Can you see how soaked we are already? This was after warming up and just waiting around for the rain to stop.)

(Des and Bob. We were all wet puppies for sure. Thankfully the rain had stopped.)

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