Sunday, November 29, 2009

Walking on Water

Gracie is at it again. She has now taken to running across the pool cover...almost like walking on water! She has NO fear! And now she nearly has Sophie (Miss Scaredy Cat!) to start stepping on it too!

Gracie and Sophie love to run and chase each other all around the back yard...through the bushes, leaves and now the pool. See for yourself.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Gobble Gobble

Traveling to my mom's the day before the holiday has become our annual tradition. (Over the hills and through the woods.... Oh, that is for Christmas I think...) We then head to my cousin's on Thanksgiving. It is a nice group of about 15-20 each year. They gather from Kentucky, Tenn and SC. I always look forward to my mom's homemade cranberry sauce and Donna's sweet potato casserole... and for some reason I like to snack on those little sweet pickles before we sit down to eat. Donna always has them out...thank you, Donna. (I take joy in seeing my Uncle Jack - not really my uncle, but my cousin, sneaking them as well.)

The boys and I always like to get out in the morning and take some pics at my mom's. Here are a few. They can really be such lovable goofballs!

(Nearly the whole clan. Some snuck out of the picture!)

Pre-Season BBall Tourney

Won one and lost one....

A few pics from Matthew's first two games. Regular season starts December 1st. It will be a much busier season than last year as they have two games a week through end of February. Matthew is VERY excited about the new coaches and looking forward to beating McCracken! ; )

(Matthew was one of the two team captains for the game against Gable. Won 53-40)

(Nathan hugging Matthew after the loss to DR Hill. He REALLY does love his lil brother.)

Monday, November 9, 2009

More Basketball!!!


He made the basketball team today! 40 boys on day one down to 14 on the team!

SOOO proud of you honey!

Count down to first game has begun. November 21st here we come.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

State Marching Band Competition

Nathan and the band headed to Orangeburg for the State Marching Band Competition yesterday.

They performed EXTREMELY well and received a rating of "Excellent." They ended up 11th our of 14 bands. They missed the finals by only 4 points! In comparison, last year they finished 13th and missed the finals by 10 points. They did great considering the large number of rookies! Nathan and kids were so disappointed but eventually the smiles won out.

I am incredibly proud of not only Nathan, but of the entire band. The kids have worked very hard and it showed yesterday. No doubt they are laying a good foundation for next year.

Hugs Nate Daddy!

One thing Nathan told me I will share. He says marching is the "smart kids sport." I laughed and asked why. He said "How many football players do you know that can play and instrument while walking backwards on their tip toes?" Not many I don't think. LOL

Mom, this is for you. I know you wanted to be there. The picture part is not very good but the sound is somewhat decent. I think you can get an idea of how they played.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Happy Halloween

The boys wanted to Trick or Treat this year...first time to dress up in a few years.

Nathan went as Mr. Death. Matthew joined up with his friend Colby and they went as Kanye West and Taylor Swift - too funny.

We stopped by our friend Donna's and the boys got spooked by Paul. He jumped out when he opened the door slooooooowly. BOO! Thanks Donna for all the yummy Reese Pumpkins! We picked up Courtney along the way and dropped off Matthew to hang out with Colby and Zack.

Too bad the rain dampened the number of houses they visited. Quite a number of people in my neighborhood had their lights out. I think each year fewer people participate. I only had two visit my house. LOTS of candy leftover.

Here are a few pics from the night.

(My two boys hamming it up!)

(Matthew, Courtney as the gypsy prey of Mr. Death and Nathan)

(Colby and Matthew as Taylor and Kanye. Too cute!)