The boys wanted to Trick or Treat this year...first time to dress up in a few years.
Nathan went as Mr. Death. Matthew joined up with his friend Colby and they went as Kanye West and Taylor Swift - too funny.
We stopped by our friend Donna's and the boys got spooked by Paul. He jumped out when he opened the door slooooooowly. BOO! Thanks Donna for all the yummy Reese Pumpkins! We picked up Courtney along the way and dropped off Matthew to hang out with Colby and Zack.
Too bad the rain dampened the number of houses they visited. Quite a number of people in my neighborhood had their lights out. I think each year fewer people participate. I only had two visit my house. LOTS of candy leftover.
Here are a few pics from the night.
(My two boys hamming it up!)

(Matthew, Courtney as the gypsy prey of Mr. Death and Nathan)

(Colby and Matthew as Taylor and Kanye. Too cute!)

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