Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rays of sunshine

This week has been challenging on many fronts but rays of light shone through as well.

The week started with difficulty when we heard of the death of one of the boys' friends. Jeremy choked to death on Sunday. It has been a sad week.

Matthew looked up to Jeremy as he played high school basketball and was just an all around nice young man. Nathan and Matthew had to face this at a young age. I can see the questioning in their eyes but I can also see and hear their kind and loving words. Nathan comforted many friends this week. It broke my heart to see their pain but it also warmed my heart to see the love they had for their friend. Matthew is dedicating this year's bball season to Jeremy. This is definitely a ray of sunshine in an otherwise very sad time. My prayers go to the Sailem's.

I saw more rays tonight when signing the boys progress reports. Good grades all around despite some minor bumps on a few tests. They have always done well in school but today the pride I have for them ran over.

Tomorrow is the 9-11 anniversary. We are planning on wearing red, white and/or blue. It brought a smile to my face when Nate Daddy commented that we wear the colors to show our respect for the lives lost that day. Yes, another ray of sunshine.

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